(504) 584-4733
Proudly Serving New Orleans, Metairie, Kenner, Baton Rouge, Mandeville, Covington, Slidell, Biloxi, Gulfport and All Surrounding Areas!
Highly prized for their elegant beauty Canary Island Date Palms are so beautiful and alluring that you can use them just about anywhere on site! Thick heavy caliper trunk with large nut at the top. Dark green foliage, huge canopy. Available in matching sizes from 6' to 25' of clear trunk.
Phoenix Canariensis has been utilized as a theme generating focal point in landscapes worldwide for decades. Its majesty and substantial presence make the Canary Island Date Palm a powerful choice where you a looking to bring natural maturity to a site. Utilized in rows or as a freestanding centerpiece, there really aren't many locations on site where you cannot use Canariensis successfully. Probably the best adjective that one could use to describe Canariensis is Stunning. If you get through the establishment period sane, and provided you maintain it with reasonable diligence, your Canary will probably outlive you and will be a truly stunning addition to the family.
Mature Canary Island Date Palms are rarely found in nurseries. These unique specimens are collected from existing landscapes throughout the warmer regions of the United States. Because they are collected palms, obtaining exactly matching Canaries is not a realistic goal. We can come fairly close but for applications where an exact match is a necessity, you may want to consider changing the spec to either the Medjool or the Zahidi Date Palm. Medjools and Zahidis are nursery produced and so can be matched far more closely.
We Love Our Palms
Mature Canariensis are often decades & decades old when transplanted for resale. Because of the time frame necessary to reach these larger sizes, this inventory just isn't available in traditional nursery settings. The palms are field located from existing landscapes and then resold for use in new landscape designs.
Environmental Behavior
Cold Tolerance: Zones 8a-11
Drought Tolerance: High
Salt Tolerance: Med
Light Requirements: High
Wind Tolerance: Med to High
Soil Requirements: Adaptable
Moisture Tolerance: High
Nutritional Req.: Moderate
Loss rate during first 90 days after transplant: 35%
Loss rate during first 12 months on site but after first 90 days: 10%
Identifying Characteristics
Dense heavy canopies of green to dark green fronds with a thick, pineapple like nut comprised of cut frond stems just under the fronds. Very heavy caliper trunk, usually 28 inches plus. Trunks are semi smooth and display a distinct diamond shape pattern.
Aerial roots are often found on the lower two feet of trunk. Canary Island Dates have been known to reach heights of 60 feet of clear trunk but they are very, very slow growers.